Local News

    • July 26, 2024 – Neepawa Banner & Press
      Neepawa Banner & Press     This week's edition of the Banner & Press looks at all the activities that went on in Neepawa last weekend. Those events include R.A.F.T., the Manawak …

    • Right in the centre – Discerning right from wrong
      By Ken Waddell Neepawa Banner & Press I used to tell my kids, “Ask yourself if it’s right or wrong and if it’s wrong, don’t do it.” I still think it’s good advice but in the 40 years since I used …

    • July 19, 2024 – Neepawa Banner & Press
      Neepawa Banner & Press     This week's Banner & Press features an update on the overhaul of the intersection near Carberry that was the location of a tragic auto accident in 202 …

    • Right in the centre – It doesn't make sense
      By Ken Waddell Neepawa Banner & Press I have been accumulating a number of things in my mind that don’t make sense. I am sure you could add many more to the list A recent report notes that B.C. pr …